Creating + Building with Natural Stone

Quarry in Maulbronn

Maulbronn sandstone
Fine to medium-grained, usually dark-red Schilf-sandstone with a characteristic structure. This dense and compact structure allows cuts "with the grain" and "against the grain".

Historical monument stone; today: in interior and exterior architecture for facades, flooring, solid construction and heritage conservation work

  • Maulbronner Sandstein gestreift mit fein geschliffener Oberfläche

  • Maulbronner Sandstein gestreift mit sandgestrahler Oberfläche

  • Maulbronner Sandstein gestreift mit gestockter Oberfläche

  • Maulbronner Sandstein wolkig fein geschliffener Oberfläche

Maulbronn sandstone for precision work
Maulbronn sandstone for facades and floor coverings
Maulbronn sandstone for wall and garden stones
Maulbronn sandstone in caring for listed buildings
Maulbronn sandstone for sawing pieces, slices and slabs