Creating + Building with Natural Stone

Lauster Steinbau has been involved for more than 200 years now in the recovery, processing and use of natural stone. The company has been producing on an industrial scale since 1920. The last 100 years of the company's history reflect not only the industrialization of the construction sector, but also the European architectural history of the 20th and the early 21st centuries.

Haus Henkel in Düsseldorf, 1926
Kaufhaus Petersdorff in Breslau, 1928
Villa im Grunewald in Berlin, 1928–1929
Hotel Graf Zeppelin in Stuttgart, 1929–1931
Haus Stern in Berlin, 1929
I.G.-Farben-Haus in Frankfurt am Main, 1930
Banco Popular Argentino in Buenos Aires, 1931
Detlev-Rohwedder-Haus in Berlin, 1934
Olympiastation in Berlin, 1936
Flughafen Berlin-Tempelhof in Berlin, 1938-1940
Königin-Olga-Bau in Stuttgart, 1954
Domkirche St. Eberhard in Stuttgart, 1811/1955
Büro- und Geschäftshaus „König von England“ in Stuttgart, 1956 (Erweiterung 1961)
Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart, 1961
Haus des Landtags in Stuttgart, 1961
Kollegiengebäude II der Universität in Freiburg, 1961